“The Christmas Chronicles 3” (2024) continues the festive adventure, reuniting audiences with the beloved characters and magical world of Santa Claus, portrayed by Kurt Russell. As Christmas approaches, Santa and Mrs. Claus, played by Goldie Hawn, face a new holiday challenge that threatens to disrupt the season’s joy and bring chaos to the North Pole. With more heartwarming moments, enchanting visuals, and spirited holiday music, this third installment promises to capture the magic of Christmas once again. Fans of the series can expect a heartwarming tale of family, love, and holiday spirit that is perfect for the whole family to enjoy.
As of May 2024, Netflix has not officially announced The Christmas Chronicles 3. The earliest possible release date for the third movie is November 2025, assuming the pattern of a two-year gap between films continues. The Christmas Chronicles is a Netflix movie about siblings Kate and Teddy Pierce who try to catch Santa Claus on camera on Christmas Eve. The movie stars Kurt Russell as Santa Claus and was a big hit for the streaming service when it debuted in 2018. A sequel was released in November 2020. In The Christmas Chronicles 3, Christmas faces its most dangerous threat yet as the ancient, dark spirit Krampus is released from his icy prison and sets out to end the holiday for good. Fueled by his bitterness toward the joy and warmth that Christmas brings, Krampus descends upon Santa’s Village with a mission to destroy everything Santa and Mrs. Claus have built, from the magical village itself to the hopes of children around the world. The story begins with Santa (Kurt Russell) preparing for another Christmas, spreading joy with the help of his loyal elves and Mrs. Claus (Goldie Hawn). However, things take a dark turn when strange disturbances begin to plague the North Pole—elf magic weakens, the Christmas star dims, and a bitter chill overtakes the village. Santa soon realizes these are signs of an ancient curse reawakening. In a chilling twist, Santa learns that Krampus, a shadowy figure from Christmas legends, has been freed. Long ago, Santa had defeated and imprisoned Krampus, who threatened to bring eternal darkness to Christmas. But now, fueled by hatred and a desire for revenge, Krampus emerges with a powerful dark magic that starts freezing everything he touches, turning once-vibrant parts of the North Pole into frozen wastelands.